Jan. 3, 2023

121. Grab & Go Outsourcing

... and how I worked my way up to it.

Before I get into the details of how I'm outsourcing my Grab & Go Garlands, let me take you through a brief history of my progression with Grab & Gos:

- started the service last year with inspiration from Ali of Charming Garlands

- established a pickup spot that felt more appropriate than at my home

- generated about $12k of additional revenue in 2022 because of the Grab & Gos!

- created a Grab and Go Bundle with Ali to help you start your own Grab & Go process

- have now completely outsourced the creation and handing off of the garlands


I decided to outsource my garlands for a few reasons:

- many customers did not come at their scheduled pickup time

- my shop was always so full of weekend decor by my Thursday pickup day

- I honestly just got a bit tired of making them!


The inspiration to outsource them came from a few places:

- an interview with Joe of Havin' a Party, where we talked about pop-up balloon bars

- a bit of luck selling a Grab & Go to a local grocery store owner

- knowing my "area of innovation", thanks to The Pumpkin Plan


Here's what I love about this setup that benefits me, my customers and the store:

- I'm able to provide a much larger pickup window for my customers

- I don't have to deal with late / early customers

- my customers are also able to grab other party necessities while picking up their garland

- the store has generously made a space for me to advertise the garlands

- I'm still able to take payment online and upfront through online scheduling in 17hats

- the only time I touch the balloons is to move them from my shop to the grocery store

- I write the grocery store a check at the end of the month to give them their portion of the sales

- other grocery stores want in on the action because they can't get helium


Listen in to hear how I pitched the idea, the details of our agreement, how this could solve your pickup problem if you're home-based and more juicy details about how this process is going!




Balloon Suite 

BalloonCoach.com & Balloon Boss Mastermind 

Havin' A Party Wholesale (save 5% with code BRIGHT) 

Grab and Go Garland Bundle 

50% off annual 17hats subscription 

Let Nicole Help 17hats setup service 

Ep. 89 The Balloon Bar | Joe from Havin' a Party 

Ep. 108 Why I stopped inflating balloons 

Ep. 83 All about Grab & Go Garlands 




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Sara Meyer


Welcome to The Bright Balloon, a podcast where Sara Meyer shares bright ideas for your balloon business! I want you to make more money, eliminate stress and learn along with me as we grow our creative businesses together! Welcome to The Bright Balloon