May 2, 2023

140. Episode of updates

Fun and inspiring stories of balloon business ownership

In this episode we're checking in with three previous guests, plus I'll give an update on how things are going since quitting my full-time job nearly two months ago... some of which are great and some that I didn't really anticipate...

First up is Tinesha, who may not have realized what an impact she had on me in our first interview. She said, "everything you want is on the other side of fear" and little did she know, that day my husband and I were looking at the house we have since bought that has also allowed me to have my balloon shop!

Tinesha sends in a note to let us know how her business has changed and she's got another new motto she shares, too.

Then we hear from Alissa, who actually won her shop space not long before the first interview. She lets us know if she stayed in the space after her free year was up, plus the cool new things they're incorporating into their business.

Alissa was such a treat to interview and then I got to work with her at the Big Balloon Build, too! If you're pursuing retail space be sure to check out her unique story.

Finally, we hear again from Hayley who talked about self-employment in her previous interview. Needless to say, this interview had an incredible impact on me, too. The tips she gave absolutely sparked the thought that going full-time with balloons was possible.

She lets us know what's up with their shop, their operations and their employees.

As for me, I feel like I've settled into my new normal after quitting my full-time job. But that hasn't been without some challenges, like:

  • not feeling like I have any more time in my day
  • turning into a bit of a workaholic
  • locking down the health insurance

But onto the happier side... I've not had an ounce of regret in my decision. In fact, as I look back I see how insecure I really was in that position and I feel like I got out at the right time. Now I get to schedule my health, podcast interviews and site visits whenever I want!

All in all, I wouldn't say it's been an easy change, but it's absolutely an awesome one.




Ep. 32 - Everything you want is on the other side of fear | An interview with Tinesha from Mbellish Events @mbellishballoons_bg 

Ep. 85 - Pop-up shops | Alissa from Twee Partees  @tweepartees 

Ep. 74 - Self-Employment | Hayley from Pop! Balloon Bar & Party  @pop.balloonbar 

Ep. 132 - I quit my job 

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