May 30, 2023

144. Goal check-in

It's ok to reevaluate and shift

It seems like it happens every year, right? Some of the goals you've set for yourself at the beginning of the year kind of fade away, either because you've forgotten about them or because you've lost interest in pursuing them. Well I'm here to say that it's OK to reevaluate your goals and shift them as needed!

In this episode, I'm reviewing the 2023 goals I set for myself and sharing how they're going. These original goals included:

  • to set better boundaries
  • make more by working less
  • recycling
  • $250,000 in sales

I had set the goal of establishing boundaries because I felt like I was on the brink of burnout. Always answering emails and messages, recording interviews at all hours of different days... I knew something needed changing. And now I'm proud to say that I've fully implemented a better process for scheduling podcast interviews, thanks to (you guessed it) 17hats. 

It's been so crucial to setting those boundaries and has got me thinking about how I can use the online scheduling function for my balloon business, too. 

Another mini-goal within the boundaries goal was to quit my job. And thankfully I was able to accomplish this far earlier than I anticipated. In fact, looking back... I know it gave me the space to make so much progress in my other goals, too.

My next major goal was to make more by working less. Last year I felt like I worked so much, and to be honest I wasn't interested in feeling that way again. The mini-goals included here were actually pretty fun, too!

I've learned how to make money using credit card points, streamline and outsource my Grab & Go Garlands and more. And while I'm feeling good about the start of my credit card journey I'm realizing that I'm far short of my Grab & Go goal. So this episode has been the perfect reminder to get back to those action steps I laid out for myself!

Moving on to my recycling goal... another thing that had me a little burnt out last year was constant content creation for the podcast. I knew I needed to find a way to reuse and reutilize what was already available. Not only to give myself some time back, but also to better serve any newer listeners who may not have heard some of the amazing interviews of past episodes.

This recycling goal includes action steps like scheduling and sharing more on Instagram, utilizing the new blog on website and finding a way to automate turning each podcast into more content. 

Some of these have come easier than others and they're all definitely still a work in progress. In some cases, I've accepted that "done" is better than "perfect" and that has been hugely helpful.

Finally, my $250,000 goal... I think I'm going to make it! After I quit my job, something changed. I'm getting new jobs, I'm getting bigger jobs and I'm now able to put more energy into my "big pumpkins". 

I love, love, LOVE the pumpkin concept by Mike Michalowicz and know that it's made a huge difference for me and my business. That's why I'm absolutely thrilled to say I'll be getting certified to teach and help implement these concepts with you, my listeners!! 

My "pumpkins" keep me on track in remembering my priorities. They give me clarity and focus. And because I've done the work to identify who my ideal clients are, I can now identify one as soon as they hit my inbox. 

I cannot wait for what's ahead with this certification - stay tuned!

That wraps up the progress on my goals, but I always love hearing yours, too! Let me know how things are going for you so far in 2023!




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Balloon Boss Summit &  

Ep. 117 - My 2023 goals 

2023 Bright Balloon Business Planner 

Ep. 132 - I quit my job 

Ep. 121 - Grab & Go Outsourcing 

Ep. 101 - Pumpkin Planning Your Balloon Business 


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Sara Meyer


Welcome to The Bright Balloon, a podcast where Sara Meyer shares bright ideas for your balloon business! I want you to make more money, eliminate stress and learn along with me as we grow our creative businesses together! Welcome to The Bright Balloon