Nov. 21, 2023

169. Moving the goalpost

One of the worst things we can do to ourselves

Do you ever find yourself moving your own goalpost? I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept for the past few months and trying to notice how often I self sabotage by doing it! It’s a dangerous thing because it immediately has us thinking we are less successful than we really are. In this episode, I want to help you find some guardrails for yourself so you can protect your goals.

I’m a big believer in taking the time to write them down. Not only will this help you remember them, but if you’re remembering them, you’re less likely to move your goalpost! 

Each year, I reserve time on my way home from Balloon Boss Summit to intentionally think about and set my goals for the following year. I love this timing because I’m always so excited about the possibilities after Summit and I use that excitement to plan the next year of my business. I utilize a physical planner to write down my goals and break them into smaller chunks, but at minimum, I suggest a little goal hack I learned from Denise Duffield Thomas and I share it in this episode.

Now the biggest reason I find myself moving my goalpost is due to shiny object syndrome. I’ll see a new trend pop up on Instagram, for example, and I’ll think that I need to divert my attention there instead of following the plan I had already laid out for myself. Then at that point, I’m not fully committed to either goal!

To eliminate those shiny objects, I’ve decided to unfollow or mute some of the accounts that tempt me to change my plan. If you find yourself scrolling and suddenly feeling down about where you are with your business, I encourage you to do the same.

My next tip is cliche, I know, but I’m trying to really dig deep into it this year; it’s the phrase “define your why”. It’s so easy to default to your children or family as your “why”, but I’m forcing myself to look at it in terms of what my “why” is as a creative business owner. To be the most creative? To grow a team? To be the one to make a lot of decisions? To work just enough to pay the bills?

These are hugely different purposes so it’s important to understand this about yourself as you set your goals for your business.

Now, more practically, here are a few other things I’m doing in 2024 to keep myself from moving my own goalpost, and I share more details in the episode:

  • Pre-planning my promotions by quarters

  • Scheduling and focusing in on my biggest annual jobs

  • Deciding which annual jobs I don’t want to take again

  • Scheduling vacations (personal and working vacations)!

  • Creating a list of ideas for later

I really hope this episode helps you find ways to stay true to your goals in 2024, and I’d love to hear what they are!

And from the UGlu Hotline this week, we get a question about doing #allthethings and being everywhere when it comes to social media. I give my take on the platforms to incorporate, the strategy I take for each and what tool I use to schedule posts. 



17hats (get 50% off your 1st year

Balloon Suite 

Havin' A Party Wholesale (save 5% with code BRIGHT) 

UGlu by Pro Tapes (save 5% at Havin’ A Party with code BRIGHT) 

Call into the UGlu Hotline to ask a question or leave advice! (262) 221-8514

Balloon Boss Mastermind & Summit  


2024 Bright Balloon Business Planner 

Ep. 144 - Goal check-in

Ep. 117 - My 2023 goals

Ep. 65 - 3 ways to remember your goals

Ep. 64 - Year end review of your balloon business

Ep. 63 - How will you stay on top of your goals in 2022?

Ep. 22 - What’s your word for 2021? | Goal Setting 



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Sara Meyer


Welcome to The Bright Balloon, a podcast where Sara Meyer shares bright ideas for your balloon business! I want you to make more money, eliminate stress and learn along with me as we grow our creative businesses together! Welcome to The Bright Balloon