Oct. 14, 2020

3. Get control of your client communication!

Get control of your email and messages with this one adjustment. Phone calls, texts and DM's Oh MY! Stop dropping the ball and running around like a crazy person answering your clients messages! Implement this no-briner sales funnel today. Hate your...

Get control of your email and messages with this one adjustment. Phone calls, texts and DM's Oh MY! Stop dropping the ball and running around like a crazy person answering your clients messages! Implement this no-briner sales funnel today.

Hate your website or don't even have one? I'd love to help! Check out The Weekend Launch and publish your website by Monday.

The Weekend Launch: Launch your balloon business website this weekend!

Courses and Show Information: TheBrightBalloon.com

Sara's Balloon Business: Wisconsin Balloon Decor

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Sara Meyer


Welcome to The Bright Balloon, a podcast where Sara Meyer shares bright ideas for your balloon business! I want you to make more money, eliminate stress and learn along with me as we grow our creative businesses together! Welcome to The Bright Balloon